We need to stop this foolish reliance on Roe v Wade

Thinking about an abortion is a horrible sadness; a tradegy that will forever mar the two people who were involved, whether they realize it or not.

However, a child brought into a world where they are not wanted, not cared for, not able to be rejoiced every moment is even worse, for that child may -in fact, will most probably- grow up and create more negativity in the world. Especially our current American world, because we have not created the needed buffers and safety nets in our society to catch and save those lost childeren when their parents fail them... as they almost always do.

The chilling facts -- and only facts!-- pointed out in the book Freakonomics
of how crime stats fall in direct proportion to 16 years after Roe v Wade was implemented are a stark, depressing reminder of the pain in this situation.

And with all the possible things to be concerned with in our society, all the unbelievably important things we should be making decisions about, discussing, debating... we spend time going over and over this 1973 five to four surpreme court decision based on a tenuous legal notion.

They say the polls indicate that 60% of Americans support the legal availability of abortions. Some might say it's only a poll, and if the propoganda machines cranked up, those numbers might change, but I say we need to decide this and move on. We need a public vote. Either in the congress, via referrendum, or something. We need to get this silly debate over with.

I of course, would support it. But if we're going to play this democracy game, let's play it, and live with consequences.


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