"That's not Walmart's Fault"

I just heard a pathetic debate about whether and how the Walmart corporation is hurting this country. Every time a point came up about job loss through outsourcing, paving over the countryside on the edge of town, loss of small town downtowns, the Walmart defender would use the same basic response, "that's not Walmart's fault". As in, "if people are willing to take low paying jobs just to work at Walmart, "that's not Walmart's fault", or people are shopping there instead of downtown, so "that's not Walmart's fault".

He's right, of course. Walmart doesn't actually do anything illegal. Just slimy.

I kept thinking about how it sounds exactly like drug dealers rationalization. 'I just sell them the drugs, I don't force them to take them.'

So much of our society is hooked on the pathetic high of low cost crap.


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